We sat down with Nick Fullen-Collins, a Producer in Los Angeles hoping to find his way in the industry with projects spanning scripted and unscripted, sharing a focus on sports, history and social issues.
Hi Nick, thanks for taking the time to sit down and interview with us. Every superhero’s journey has a beginning – What was yours?
My journey started in August 2006, when I moved from Seattle to Los Angeles. At the time I wanted to be a sports agent given my passion for Football and Basketball. However, growing up with a mother that was a published author and huge movie buff, telling stories was something that always fascinated me. At that particular time, I was dealing with some of the most difficult challenges of my life, and movies helped me escape my reality. Then in December 2006, I went to the theater to see The Pursuit of Happyness, which changed my life. The impact that film had on me made me realize that I wanted to one day create stories that can inspire and motivate an audience like that film did for me.
How do you stay creative in this industry?
I stay creative by reminding myself why I entered in the industry in the first place; which is telling compelling stories through unique characters that can challenge, inspire and motivate you. I do this by going back and watching the films that inspired me growing up, films such as: West Side Story, Casablanca, Double Indemnity and many more.

You’ve worked on both the studio and independent side of things; what have been the pitfalls of each?
From the studio side, the pitfalls lie with being confined to one department without any growth or the ability to learn outside of your department. In addition to that, because the studio system lies within a corporate structure, there’s a lack of creative input within most departments. On the other hand, the pitfalls within the independent side oftentimes can be a lack of financial resources, which can cause instability and ultimately delay both the development and production side of a project.
What’s been your favorite project to work on?
My favorite project that I’ve worked on thus far was the 2016 HBO Writing and Directing Fellowship, in which I helped oversee three short pilots. These pilots will be viewable on HBO NOW this spring.
What’s your ultimate passion project?
A five season anthology drama series (based on my life) during my college years, when I moved from Seattle to Los Angeles.

What’s your worst “finding a location” horror story?
Trying to find a house in a specific community that pertains to the overall look and tone of your project. It’s difficult to find a location that not only will match your interior shots, but also matches your exterior shots simultaneously.
We heard you’re a big sports fan; if you had unlimited funds, which sports team would you buy and why?
I would buy the Los Angeles Lakers. They are my favorite team in all of sports. With the Lakers being the second most successful franchise in NBA history, while being in the most glamorous city in the country. What more can you ask for?